Instrumental Workshop II
Special focus: string instruments
August 10 – 15
3 – 6 p.m.

with Craig Judelman (USA/D; violin) & Mark Kovnatskiy (RUS/D; violin)

Ever wonder what the old klezmer bands sounded like before all those loud brass and clarinets drowned out the fiddles? Ever find yourself in a session wishing you could at least hear yourself? In this workshop we’ll focus on the rich variety of Klezmer string playing. Until the late 19th century, klezmer bands were mostly composed of strings, flutes and  drums, with an occasional clarinet. This workshop will dig into this repertoire as well as how to approach more modern styles as a string player. We’ll talk about technique, phrasing, ornamentation and accompaniment and we´ll experience what it’s like to play in a string kapelye. While our focus will be on ideas specific to bowed strings, the workshop is open to all quieter instruments, plucked and bowed strings, tsimbl, and flutes. Quiet clarinetists and accordionists are welcome, too. If you’re unsure if this workshop is right for you, please write to the YSW office and we’ll be happy to help you decide.

This will be the first ever string instrument focused workshop at Yiddish Summer, so don’t miss this special opportunity!

Workshop fee:
172,50 € Standard / 135 € Reduced / 235 € Sponsor / 72,50€ under 18 / 25€ Affected by the Corona crisis
For information about the Standard, Reduced and Supporter fees >> read about